Student Life
Student Life at St. Joan of Arc embraces just about everything that a young person loves! Explore the many ways for students to get involved through:
Faith Life and Service – At St. Joan of Arc School, our faith is paramount to what we do. We put our faith in action every day! As an entire school community we participate in service projects aimed to feed the hungry, reach out to the sick and homebound, house those experiencing homelessness, and we connect to our military roots by sending care packages to troops overseas. To learn more please visit our faith page.
Athletics – St. Joan of Arc School offers athletic opportunities for students to support their health and wellness. Catholic education services a student’s body as well as the mind, and spirit. To learn more please visit our athletics page.
Clubs & Extracurricular Activities – Our clubs & extracurricular activities program is an integral part of the school community. As an optional addition to the curriculum, clubs are available after school and are led by faculty moderators. To learn more please visit our clubs & extracurricular activities page.
Ready to explore St. Joan of Arc School?
Located in Aberdeen, Maryland, St. Joan of Arc School is a private Catholic school for students in preschool through Eighth grade. To learn more about our school and the admissions process for the upcoming school year, we encourage you to schedule your private tour today.